Remembrance and documentation - memorials, museums, documentation centers

Centropa (Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation)
The site has a database of its oral history project, in which 1,3000 elderly Jews were interviewed in 15 countries. It also contains 25,000 digitized images. This organization also runs a summer academy which is an international travelling workshop for educators, diplomats etc.
Internet platform of the association, which is dedicated to intensifying and structuring the was the Holocaust is dealt with in the field of education.

Institut für Jüdische Geschichte Österreich
This institute carries out research into the culture and history of the Austrian Jews from the Middle Ages until the present. This institute has compiled the life stories of 216 Austrian Jews now living in the USA as well as publications on the Hungarian slave labourers in Austria and their “death march”. There is an online database of persons buried in the Jewish cemetery Währing as well as an archive of the Jewish community of St. Polten.

Der Kulturverein Österreichischer Roma und Sinti
Has an exhibit on the migration of Roma to Europe as well as on the discrimination and persecution of Roma, especially during the National Socialist regime. The center also encourages integration through programs etc.

Center for Jewish History
This organization is located in NYC. This site includes fact sheets on genealogical research as well as comprehensive databases containing birth, marriage and death records. One can search for information on people and places. This center has also a large collection on Jewish history which can be viewed online.

Das Bundesarchiv
The archive of the Federal Republic of Germany which also contains information on the German Reich (till 1945) as well as the modern government (after 1949).

Das Zentrum für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte (ZJK)
This institute is part of the University of Salzburg. It documents the Jewish life in the Salzburg region as well as has an archive with life histories of survivors.

Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma
This institute tries to educate the younger generation on the persecution of the Roma under the Nazi regime and about the discrimination which continues today. It also promotes academic research on this topic.

Film Archiv Austria
This institute contains an almost complete collection of the Austrian Wochenshau (news of the week in review) of the 1930’s which documents the culture and history of that era.

Leo Baeck Institute
An organization dedicated to the study of the history and culture of German speaking Jewry from the early times until after the Holocaust. Many of it documents are online.

New York Public Library - Dorot Jewish Division, Yizkor (Holocaust Memorial) Books
Yizkor books are sources of information for vital statistical, historical, biographical etc. information on the Jewish communities of Europe from 1939-1945. The NY Public Library Yizkor Book Viewer has 60 Yizkor books accessible online.

Oral History Archive
The University of Graz has a collection of eyewitness interviews on the contemporary history of Austria, not exclusively on the era of the Holocaust, with a focus on Styria.

This project is run by the University of Graz and provides information on the socio-historical situation of the Roma.

The Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem
Contains the archives of hundreds of Jewish communities, including the Austrian Jewish community archives (1629-1970) as well as local, national and international Jewish organizations. The archive also holds an extensive collection of documents illuminating Jewish history from the Middle Ages until today. Family trees are also listed.

The Israel Diaspora Museum
This is the website for Beth Hatefusoth which documents the history of the Jewish people from Biblical times to the present. Online forms are available for fee based searches of the communities and 80,000 Jewish names. One can register one’s own family tree. They also have the website of the Polish archives.

The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
Located in Cincinnati, this organization hopes to preserve a documentary heritage of the religious, cultural, economic, social and family life of American Jewry. It has a genealogy collection and genealogical requests can be submitted.

The Wiener Library Institute of Contemporary History
This is the world’s oldest Holocaust institution (1933) and it is located in London. Many materials of the collection are searchable online including books and pamphlets, documents, periodicals, photographs, and unpublished memoirs.

US Holocaust Memorial Museum
has an international tracing service archive with an online form to submit a research request. Many of their collections are also online such as the Holocaust Name List Catalogue. One can register a survivor or victims.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Founded in Vilna, Poland and re-located to NYC in 1940, this institute tries to preserve the cultural history of Jewish life throughout Eastern Europe, Germany and Russia. They also have a large collection of Eastern European genealogical resources as well as the largest collection of Yiddish language materials in the world.
